Thursday 19 April 2018

Gathering Contemporary Fashion

I gathered a few images of mannequins from different stores in the center of Leeds and as I did I began to see the different demographics that the stores were trying to appeal to.
The first couple of stores where definitely trying to appeal to an older woman or a mature younger woman. The clothes were very feminine, using pastel tones and flowy materials to give lovely silhouettes that would be perfect for a mature woman looking for a light, springtime look. However, there were certain garments that I would enjoy wearing myself like the denim jumpsuit and the jeans and cold shoulder shirt.

This style reminds me of something that my fifteen-year-old sister would like to wear, millennial pink and black are quite a popular trend at the moment, it gives that edgy, young, sporty vibe that I have seen a lot of young teenage girls wear.

 I believe that these clothes take inspiration from the 60's and 70's (which is fashion that I am greatly a fan off), the floral patterns and bright colours give me a 'Summer of Love' vibe. 

These mannequins are appealing towards the women of the city who are looking to revamp their tired office look with a pop cheerful yellow.

I just liked that these mannequins were 'plus size', they give a look to the clothes that a much slimmer frame couldn't. They look very mature and curvy.

 These looks were taken at Primark, I didn't really think that Primark had a demographic until I really started to look at the way they had dressed these mannequins, they are targetting ages between young teens and possibly early 20 years old. These mannequins definitely had attitude and not just from the clothes they were wearing but also the way that they had been possed, the way a jacket is hanging from some of their forearms, the bright and poppy colours and backwards baseball caps this is all appealing to a young and active audience.


This project has allowed me to expand my knowledge on character design and help me better my choices when designing. I had a basic idea on...