Thursday 28 November 2019

Week 7: Blair and Wren

The week before I decided to use the characters that I create in Context of Practice for a film I want to create for Extended Practice.

This really helped me think about the characters relationships with each other and how they would interact with each other.

I created some dynamic poses for Blair that I thought showed her personality;

I have also started on her turnaround sheet;

And also sketches for the emotions;

Unfortunately, I have been struggling with my anxiety character; Wren. As I do not draw men very often I have found it difficult to create a compelling male character. I know I want a very tall and thin character compared to Blair, who is short and curvy. He will also be a source of Blair's frustration but he will be a calming effect on her when she is willing to listen.

So I made a mood board to help with designing Wren:

And came up with these head busts for him to:

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This project has allowed me to expand my knowledge on character design and help me better my choices when designing. I had a basic idea on...