Friday 25 October 2019

Week 3 - Collecting First Hand Research

After my tutorial with Ben, I came away with some more ideas to collect first-hand research for my project. I wrote up a survey on Survey Monkey;

Q1: Have you ever been diagnosed with Anxiety, Borderline Personality Disorder or Psychosis? If so, which one?

Q2: How would you describe your symptoms? (Minimum of three answers please)

Q3: Can you describe how you feel when you have bad days?

Q4: Is there a particular colour that can describe how you feel? What is it?

Q5: Do you ever notice yourself doing something physically when you get overwhelmed? i.e fidgeting with your fingers, biting your nails, etc

Q6: Have you found a way to help your mental health?

Q7: What gender do you identify as?

I will analyze the results of this survey and take them into consideration when writing up my character sheets and picking the archetypes for each character.

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This project has allowed me to expand my knowledge on character design and help me better my choices when designing. I had a basic idea on...